The LM2C has acquired a wide range of equipment, sensors and accessories since its inception, with funding support from various agencies, including CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ and FINEP.
90g-ton Geotechnical Drum Centrifuge (D = 1.0m)

60g-ton Geotechnical Arm Centrifuge (D=1.2m)

Consolidometer for clayey soil specimen preparation

Rheometer for testing high water content soil samples

1D and 2D Servo Actuators for application of controlled force and controlled deformation

Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Measurement System

Automatic sand pluviator

3D Printer

3D printing, also can be called rapid prototyping, is a type of additive manufacturing technology. Additive manufacturing encompasses technologies that enable the creation of objects from a virtual model. In this format, items are created by adding layered materials.